Reflection prompts and tutor feedback in a web-based learning environment: Effects on students' self-regulated learning competence

Gerard Van Den Boom*, Fred Paas, Jeroen J G Van Merriënboer, Tamara Van Gog

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This study investigated the effects of reflection prompts and tutor feedback on the development of students' self-regulated learning competence (i.e. SRLC). In a web-based learning environment forty-two students completed a study task with embedded prompts eliciting reflection. The reflection prompts could either deal with aspects of self-regulated learning or not. In addition, the students could either receive electronic feedback from a tutor on their reflection expressions or not. The inventory of learning styles that was used to register development of the SRLC revealed a significant progress on the regulation subscales as a function of tutor feedback. An interaction between the students' evaluations of reflection prompts and tutor feedback indicated that the prompts that were related to aspects of self-regulated learning were perceived as less disturbing than the non-SRLC related prompts, especially when combined with tutor feedback. This study offers indications for the practical value of the combination of reflection prompts and tutor feedback as a promising means to develop students' SRLC in distance education applying a web-based learning environment.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)551-567
Number of pages17
JournalComputers in Human Behavior
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2004


  • Feedback
  • Reflection
  • Self-regulated learning
  • Tutoring
  • Web-based learning environment


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