Reaction time coupling in a joint stimulus-response task: A matter of functional actions or likable agents?

Zoe Schielen, Julia Verhaegh, Chris Dijkerman, Marnix Naber*

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Shaping one owns actions by observing others’ actions is driven by the deep-rooted mechanism of perception-action coupling. It typically occurs automatically, expressed as for example the unintentional synchronization of reaction times in interactive games. Theories on perception-action coupling highlight its benefits such as the joint coordination of actions to cooperatively perform tasks properly, the learning of novel actions from others, and the bonding with likable others. However, such functional aspects and how they shape perception-action coupling have never been compared quantitatively. Here we tested a total of hundred-fifteen participants that played a stimulus-response task while, in parallel, they observed videos of agents that played the exact same task several milliseconds in advance. We compared to what degree the reaction times of actions of agents, who varied their behavior in terms of functionality and likability in preceding prisoner dilemma games and quizzes, shape the reaction times of human test participants. To manipulate functionality and likability, we varied the predictability of cooperative behavior and correctness of actions of agents, respectively, resulting in likable (cooperative), dislikable (uncooperative), functional (correct actions), and dysfunctional (incorrect actions) agents. The results of three experiments showed that the participants’ reaction times correlated most with the reaction times of agents that expressed functional behavior. However, the likability of agents had no effects on reaction time correlations. These findings suggest that, at least in the current computer task, participants are more likely to adopt the timing of actions from people that perform correct actions than from people that they like.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0271164
Pages (from-to)1-20
Number of pages20
JournalPLoS One
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 12 Jul 2022


  • Computers
  • Cooperative Behavior
  • Humans
  • Prisoner Dilemma
  • Psychomotor Performance/physiology
  • Reaction Time/physiology


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