Rapid morphology assessment for estuaries

Steye Verhoeve, J.R.F.W. Leuven, M.G. Kleinhans

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractOther research output


Introduction and research question
A basic estimate of estuarine morphology is relevant for the management of channels, bars or shoals, because they provide valuable habitat, shipping fairways and flood safety areas. However, this information is only available for a few estuaries (e.g. Western Scheldt). Here we present and test a rapid morphological assessment tool that requires minimal information.
The tool predicts bed level distributions, inundation duration and typical flow conditions along the estuary based on the estuary outline, tidal amplitude and calibrated predictors. To this end, we developed a comprehensive set of empirical, hypsometry-type relations that accurately predict the channel and bar patterns and typical flow conditions (Leuven et al., 2017, 2016; Savenije, 2005). We calculate flow velocities based on the local tidal prism and depth of the estuary. The model is validated with data of the Western Scheldt.
Results, discussion and conclusion
The depth distribution along the estuary is modelled well (R2=0.95) as is its derivative, the tidal prism. Flow velocity is predicted less well; underestimated within a factor 2. The required input data can be collected and processed in the tool within minutes for any estuary. The tool and code will be made available with the publication.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 22 Mar 2018
EventNCK-days 2018 - Haarlem, Haarlem, Netherlands
Duration: 21 Mar 201823 Mar 2018


ConferenceNCK-days 2018
Internet address


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