title = "Provisional utopias in a postcolonial world: an interview with Peter McLaren",
keywords = "Niet-toepassingsgericht onderzoek, Pedagogy, Psychologie, Maatschappelijke structuren en relaties, Logic, Menswetenschappen, Pedagogie en Andragogie/Onderwijskunde (PEAN), Sociale wetenschappen, Adolescent and child psychology,m,m,, Overig maatschappelijk onderzoek, Construerende Technische Wetenschappen, Psychology, Pedagogiek",
author = "G.J.J. Biesta and S. Miedema",
note = "235; 235 ; Conference date: 01-01-1997",
year = "1997",
language = "Undefined/Unknown",
publisher = "Westview Press",
number = "223",
pages = "223--235",
editor = "P. McLaren",
booktitle = "Revolutionary Multiculturalism. Pedagogies of Dissent for the New Millenium.",