Proteoform-resolved profiling of plasminogen activation reveals novel abundant phosphorylation site and primary N-terminal cleavage site

Dario A T Cramer, Victor Yin, Tomislav Caval, Vojtech Franc, Dingyi Yu, Guojie Wu, Gordon Lloyd, Christopher Langendorf, James C Whisstock, Ruby H P Law*, Albert J R Heck*

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Plasminogen (Plg), the zymogen of plasmin (Plm), is a glycoprotein involved in fibrinolysis and a wide variety of other physiological processes. Plg dysregulation has been implicated in a range of diseases. Classically, human Plg is categorized into two types, supposedly having different functional features, based on the presence (type I) or absence (type II) of a single N-linked glycan. Using high-resolution native mass spectrometry, we uncovered that the proteoform profiles of human Plg (and Plm) are substantially more extensive than this simple binary classification. In samples derived from human plasma, we identified up to 14 distinct proteoforms of Plg, including a novel highly stoichiometric phosphorylation site at Ser339. To elucidate the potential functional effects of these post-translational modifications, we performed proteoform-resolved kinetic analyses of the Plg-to-Plm conversion using several canonical activators. This conversion is thought to involve at least two independent cleavage events: one to remove the N-terminal peptide and another to release the active catalytic site. Our analyses reveal that these processes are not independent but are instead tightly regulated and occur in a step-wise manner. Notably, N-terminal cleavage at the canonical site (Lys77) does not occur directly from intact Plg. Instead, an activation intermediate corresponding to cleavage at Arg68 is initially produced, which only then is further processed to the canonical Lys77 product. Based on our results, we propose a refined categorization for human Plg proteoforms. In addition, we reveal that the proteoform profile of human Plg is more extensive than that of rat Plg, which lacks, for instance, the here-described phosphorylation at Ser339.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100696
Number of pages13
JournalMolecular and Cellular Proteomics
Issue number1
Early online date13 Dec 2023
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2024


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