Proliferative lymphocyte responses to foot-and-mouth disease virus and three FMDV peptides after vaccination or immunization with these peptides in cattle

M. J.C. Van Lierop, K. Van Maanen, R. H. Meloen, V. P.M.G. Rutten, M. A.C. De Jong, E. J. Hensen*

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We studied proliferative responses to bovine T lymphocytes to foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) serotypes A, O and C as well as to three peptides including the two major B-cell epitopes of FMDV (VP1[141-156] and VP1[200-213]). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from cattle previously vaccinated with monovalent vaccine responded to both homotypic and heterotypic virus strains. Of 14 FMDV-specific bovine T-cell clones, which were prepared from PBMC of an animal vaccinated with the trivalent vaccine, 11 reacted to each of the three serotypes A, O and C. This indicates that several T-cell epitopes might be conserved among these serotypes. PBMC from one of two cattle immunized with VP1[141-156]KLH, one of two cattle immunized with VP1[200-213]KLH and two of three cattle immunized with CC-VP1[200-213]-PPS-VP1[141-156]-PCG responded to the homotypic virus strain. After immunizations with VP1[200-213]KLH also heterotypic responses were found. Thus, it appears that these two B-cell sites include T-cell determinants that are recognized by some cattle. However, when proliferative repsonses of PBMC from an animal vaccinated with the trivalent vaccine were tested, no responses were found to VP1[141-156] and VP1[200-213], whereas the response was very poor to CC-VP1[200-213]-PPS-VP1[141-156]-PCG. These results suggest that these sequences do not represent dominant T-cell epitopes and/or that T-cell reactivity towards these synthetic peptides does not completely cover the T-cell reactivity towards the fragments present after processing of the whole virus.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)406-413
Number of pages8
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1992


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