Prevalence and predictors of psychiatric disorders in a large help-seeking sample of homicidally bereaved persons

S. Soydas, G.E. Smid, B. Goodfellow, R. Wilson, P.A. Boelen

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting AbstractAcademic


Background: Literature on grief reactions in the after-math of a homicide is scarce and inconclusive, oftendescribing small and heterogenous (sub)samples, yield-ing varying results.
Method: Data of 942 individuals who are bereaved due to homicide were analysed. Data wereobtained from ASSIST Trauma Care UK, a specialistThird Sector (Not-for-Profit) Organization providingspecialist therapeutic intervention to homicide survivors.Measures included questionnaires assessing symptomsof PTSD, PGD, anxiety and depression, as well as socio-demographic and homicide related characteristics.
Results: Prevalence rates of PTSD, PGD and clinicallyrelevant anxiety and depression were generally quitehigh. Status of the judicial process was one of the vari-ables rendering people prone to elevated distress.Conclusions: This study provides insight into the preva-lence and correlates of grief-related disorders followingbereavement through homicide. Information obtainedcan inform the improvement of treatment options.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1613834
Pages (from-to)11-12
JournalEuropean Journal of Psychotraumatology
Issue numbersup1
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Event16th ESTSS Conference: Trauma in transition: Building bridges - Conference Centre 'De Doelen', Rotterdam, Netherlands
Duration: 14 Jun 201916 Jun 2019


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