Preferred Islet Delivery Device Characteristics and Implantation Strategies of Patients With Type 1 Diabetes

Maarten C Tol, Denise F A de Bont, Wouter P C Boon, Eelco J P de Koning, Aart A van Apeldoorn*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Islet delivery devices (IDDs) offer potential benefits for islet transplantation and stem cell-based replacement in type 1 diabetes. Little is known about patient preferences regarding islet delivery device characteristics and implantation strategies. Patient preferences for IDDs and implantation strategies remain understudied. We invited patients, parents and caregivers to fill in an online questionnaire regarding IDDs. An online survey gathered responses from 809 type 1 diabetes patients and 47 caregivers. We also assessed diabetes distress in a subgroup of 412 patients. A significant majority (97%) expressed willingness to receive an IDD. Preferred IDD attributes included a 3.5 cm diameter for 37.7% of respondents, while when provided with all options, 30.4% found dimensions unimportant. Respondents were open to approximately 4 implants, each with a 5 cm incision. Many favored a device functioning for 12 months (33.4%) or 24 months (24.8%). Younger participants (16-30) were more inclined to accept a 6 months functional duration ( p < 0.001). Functional duration outweighed implant quantity and size ( p < 0.001) in device importance. This emphasizes patients' willingness to accommodate burdens related to IDD features and implantation methods, crucial for designing future beta cell replacement strategies.

Original languageEnglish
Article number11077
Number of pages7
JournalTransplant International
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
Copyright © 2023 Tol, de Bont, Boon, de Koning and van Apeldoorn.


  • islet delivery device
  • islet transplantation
  • patient preference
  • survey
  • type 1 diabetes


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