Prediction of the absolute hydraulic conductivity function from soil water retention data

Andre Peters*, Tobias L. Hohenbrink, Sascha C. Iden, Martinus Th Van Genuchten, Wolfgang Durner

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For modeling flow and transport processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system, knowledge of the unsaturated hydraulic properties in functional form is mandatory. While much data are available for the water retention function, the hydraulic conductivity function often needs to be predicted. The classical approach is to predict the relative conductivity from the retention function and scale it with the measured saturated conductivity, Ks. In this paper we highlight the shortcomings of this approach, namely, that measured Ks values are often highly uncertain and biased, resulting in poor predictions of the unsaturated conductivity function. We propose to reformulate the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity function by replacing the soil-specific Ks as a scaling factor with a generally applicable effective saturated tortuosity parameter τs and predicting total conductivity using only the water retention curve. Using four different unimodal expressions for the water retention curve, a soil-independent general value for τs was derived by fitting the new formulation to 12 data sets containing the relevant information. τs was found to be approximately 0.1. Testing of the new prediction scheme with independent data showed a mean error between the fully predicted conductivity functions and measured data of less than half an order of magnitude. The new scheme can be used when insufficient or no conductivity data are available. The model also helps to predict the saturated conductivity of the soil matrix alone and thus to distinguish between the macropore conductivity and the soil matrix conductivity.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1565-1582
Number of pages18
JournalHydrology and Earth System Sciences
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 17 Apr 2023


  • Simplified evaporation method
  • Simple consistent models
  • Moisture range
  • Flow
  • Permeability
  • Transport
  • Vapor
  • Film
  • Dry


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