Practical methods to assess the effects of heat stress on the quality of frozen-thawed Belgian Blue semen in field conditions

Gretania Residiwati, Habib S. A. Tuska, Stephanus Budiono, Giulia K. Kawai, Afshin Seifi-Jamadi, Davide Santoro, Bart Leemans, Christophe Boccart, Osvaldo Bogado Pascottini, Geert Opsomer, Ann Van Soom

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


The increased exportation of semen and embryos of double-muscled beef breeds to tropical and developing countries makes it important to investigate the reproductive capacity of these breeds in adapting to tropical conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of Belgian Blue semen collected after there is heat-stress (HS; as a mimic of tropical condition) compared with non-heat stressed (NHS; as their comfort zone), using practical spermatozoa staining methods such that prevail in developing countries. There was screening of semen kinetics using CASA and evaluation of their DNA-, acrosome, plasma membrane-integrity, and mitochondrial activity. For each staining technique, there was evaluation of 12 frozen-thawed semen samples from six Belgian Blue bulls collected after there were HS and NHS conditions in Belgium. Mixed linear regression models were used to assess the effects of HS for each CASA variable and staining method outcome using the replicate nested with bull as a random effect. There were differences (P < 0.05) in values when there were semen collections following HS and NHS conditions for several post-thawing kinetic variables. Furthermore, the mean percentages of DNA-, acrosome-, and plasma membrane-integrity, as well as mitochondrial activity were greater (P < 0.05) when semen was collected following NHS compared with HS conditions. Conclusively, results indicated that when there was collection of semen following HS conditions, there were detrimental effects on the viability and quality of Belgian Blue semen which is an important consideration for the semen collection, processing, and evaluation in tropical countries.
Original languageEnglish
Article number106572
Number of pages7
JournalAnimal Reproduction Science
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2020


  • Acrosome integrity
  • DNA integrity
  • Double-muscled bull
  • Membrane integrity
  • Mitochondrial activity
  • Sperm


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