Power and Polycrisis: On the Durability of Capitalism-Patriarchy-Colonialism

Birgit Kaiser*, Kathrin Thiele, Esther Jansen, Arianna Paterino, Flor Avelino, Katinka Wijsman

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This paper is inspired by Jamaican cultural critic Sylvia Wynter who notes that contemporary times do not face a list of separate problems, but a ‘global problematique’. While these current socio-political, economic and ecological challenges are often referred to as ‘polycrisis’, this paper asks what the focus on crisis obfuscates and how instead a focus on power can help move beyond the emergency-exceptionalism of crisis-thinking. Our argument highlights how specifically the durable and interlocking effects of capitalist, patriarchal and (neo-)colonial power have to be analysed in conjunction. For these interlocking vectors of power, we propose the acronym ‘CPC’.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Political Power
Early online date27 Jan 2025
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 27 Jan 2025


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