Potential of long capillary monolithic columns for the analysis of protein digests

M.H.M. van de Meent, G.J. de Jong

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    The gain in separation efficiency for protein digests using long monolithic columns has been evaluated for a LC-MS system with capillary monolithic columns of different lengths (150 and 750 mm). A mixture of BSA, alpha-casein and P-casein tryptic digests was used as a test sample. Peak capacity and productivity (peak capacity per unit time) were determined from base peak chromatograms and MS/MS data were used for protein identification by MASCOT database searching. Peak capacity and protein identification scores were higher for the long column. Analyses with similar gradient slope for the two columns produced ratios of the peak capacities that were slightly higher than the expected value of the square root of the column length ratio. Peak capacity ratios varied from 2.7 to 4.0 for four different gradient slopes, while protein identification scores were 2-4 times higher for the long column. Similar values were obtained for the productivity of both columns and the high est productivity was obtained at gradient times of 45 and 75 min for the short and long column, respectively. The use of long monolithic columns improves peptide separation and increases reliability of protein identification for complex digests, especially if longer gradients are chosen.
    Original languageUndefined/Unknown
    Pages (from-to)487-493
    Number of pages7
    JournalJournal of Separation Science
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • Farmacie/Biofarmaceutische wetenschappen (FARM)
    • Medical technology
    • Farmacie(FARM)
    • Bescherming en bevordering van de menselijke gezondheid
    • Biomedische technologie en medicijnen
    • Public Health
    • Analytical chemistry
    • Drugmisbruik en verslaving

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