Policy Brief on the FIRES-Reform Strategy for Italy

M.W.J.L. Sanders, Luca Grilli, A.M. Herrmann, G. Latifi, Balazs Pager, Laszlo Szerb, Elisa Terragno Bogliaccini

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


In this policy brief we outline a draft FIRES-reform strategy to promote an Entrepreneurial Society in Italy. The reforms proposed are derived from a seven-step process in which the academic work and stakeholder engagement activities of the FIRES-project come together. This seven step process was applied to the case of Italy in a report and this brief summarizes its findings. Italy was selected to be representative for a Mediterranean and so called mixed market economy. This brief is one of three, where the other briefs address the United Kingdom and Germany.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherFinancial and Institutional Reforms for Entrepreneurial Society (FIRES)
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2018

Publication series

NameFinancial and Institutional Reforms for Entrepreneurial Society


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