Polar degree of hypersurfaces with 1-dimensional singularities

Dirk Siersma, Mihai Tibăr

Research output: Working paperPreprintAcademic


We prove a formula for the polar degree of projective hypersurfaces in terms of the Milnor data of the singularities, extending to 1-dimensional singularities the Dimca-Papadima result for isolated singularities. We discuss the semi-continuity of the polar degree in deformations, and we classify the homaloidal cubic surfaces with 1-dimensional singular locus. Some open questions are pointed out along the way.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 12 May 2021


  • Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry
  • 32S30
  • 58K60
  • 55R55
  • 32S50


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