Pipe viscometry of foams

C. Enzendorfer*, R. A. Harris, P. Valko, M. J. Economides, P. A. Fokker, D. D. Davies

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This paper describes a method for extracting useful information from small-scale pipe viscometer measurements of foam rheology. The rheology of a foamed polymer solution at a given temperature, pressure, and quality was determined in pipes of five diameters. The flow curves showed a marked dependence on the diameter of the pipe. The concept of apparent slip could be used to explain the phenomenon. The classical slip correction of Mooney was not applicable, but the method developed by Jastrzebski (based on the previous work of Oldroyd) provided a consistent means of apparent slip correction. The geometric interpretation of the two slip correction methods revealed the possible reason for the difference of their performance. The slip corrected measurements were interpreted in the framework of the volume equalization principle.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)345-358
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Rheology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 1995


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