Parenting in Postdivorce Families: The Influence of Residence, Repartnering, and Gender

T. Koster, A. Poortman, T. van der Lippe, Pauline Kleingeld

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Objective: This study investigates the role of residence (including shared residence), repartnering (including LAT relationships), and additional children (step- and half-siblings) on parenting in postdivorce families, and whether patterns differ by gender and type of parenting behavior. Background: Patterns of parenting are indicative of how parents redefine their roles and responsibilities after divorce and repartnering, but extant research has largely overlooked parenting across a full array of postdivorce families. Method: The analyses were based on data from Wave 2 of the New Families in the Netherlands survey, which was conducted among a random sample of divorced or separated heterosexual parents with minor children (N = 2,778). Results: Residence was highly relevant for parenting in regular care, leisure, irregular care, and influence in child-related decision-making. Repartnering and additional children had smaller effects and it mattered which type of parenting behavior was considered, but they were generally associated with lower parental engagement, except for decision-making influence. Gender differences were only found for decision-making influence, showing that variations in parenting across residence arrangements or between repartnered or single parents were more pronounced for mothers than fathers. Conclusion: Residence was more strongly related to parenting than repartnering, and the strength and nature of associations varied between parenting behaviors. Influence in decision-making stood out as a distinct parenting behavior, and also the frequency and obligatory nature of parent–child activities mattered.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)498-515
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of Marriage and Family
Issue number2
Early online date26 Nov 2020
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2021


  • child custody
  • divorce
  • family structure
  • gender
  • parenting


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