Outcome-based reimbursement in Central-Eastern Europe and Middle-East

Ildikó Ádám, Marcelien Callenbach, Bertalan Németh, Rick A Vreman, Cecilia Tollin, Johan Pontén, Dalia Dawoud, Jamie Elvidge, Nick Crabb, Sahar Barjesteh van Waalwijk van Doorn-Khosrovani, Anke Pisters-van Roy, Áron Vincziczki, Emad Almomani, Maja Vajagic, Z Gulsen Oner, Mirna Matni, Jurij Fürst, Rabia Kahveci, Wim G Goettsch, Zoltán Kaló

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Outcome-based reimbursement models can effectively reduce the financial risk to health care payers in cases when there is important uncertainty or heterogeneity regarding the clinical value of health technologies. Still, health care payers in lower income countries rely mainly on financial based agreements to manage uncertainties associated with new therapies. We performed a survey, an exploratory literature review and an iterative brainstorming in parallel about potential barriers and solutions to outcome-based agreements in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and in the Middle East (ME). A draft list of recommendations deriving from these steps was validated in a follow-up workshop with payer experts from these regions. 20 different barriers were identified in five groups, including transaction costs and administrative burden, measurement issues, information technology and data infrastructure, governance, and perverse policy outcomes. Though implementing outcome-based reimbursement models is challenging, especially in lower income countries, those challenges can be mitigated by conducting pilot agreements and preparing for predictable barriers. Our guidance paper provides an initial step in this process. The generalizability of our recommendations can be improved by monitoring experiences from pilot reimbursement models in CEE and ME countries and continuing the multistakeholder dialogue at national levels.

Original languageEnglish
Article number940886
Pages (from-to)1-11
JournalFrontiers in Medicine
Publication statusPublished - 23 Sept 2022


  • health technology assessment
  • managed entry agreement
  • outcome-based agreement
  • outcome-based reimbursement
  • pay-for-performance
  • pricing
  • reimbursement
  • value-based pricing


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