Organic matter degradation in the deep, sulfidic waters of the Black Sea: insights into the ecophysiology of novel anaerobic bacteria

Subhash Yadav, Michel Koenen, Nicole J. Bale, Wietse Reitsma, Julia C. Engelmann, Kremena Stefanova, Jaap S.Sinninghe Damsté, Laura Villanueva*

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Background: Recent studies have reported the identity and functions of key anaerobes involved in the degradation of organic matter (OM) in deep (> 1000 m) sulfidic marine habitats. However, due to the lack of available isolates, detailed investigation of their physiology has been precluded. In this study, we cultivated and characterized the ecophysiology of a wide range of novel anaerobes potentially involved in OM degradation in deep (2000 m depth) sulfidic waters of the Black Sea. Results: We have successfully cultivated a diverse group of novel anaerobes belonging to various phyla, including Fusobacteriota (strain S5), Bacillota (strains A1T and A2), Spirochaetota (strains M1T, M2, and S2), Bacteroidota (strains B1T, B2, S6, L6, SYP, and M2P), Cloacimonadota (Cloa-SY6), Planctomycetota (Plnct-SY6), Mycoplasmatota (Izemo-BS), Chloroflexota (Chflx-SY6), and Desulfobacterota (strains S3T and S3-i). These microorganisms were able to grow at an elevated hydrostatic pressure of up to 50 MPa. Moreover, this study revealed that different anaerobes were specialized in degrading specific types of OM. Strains affiliated with the phyla Fusobacteriota, Bacillota, Planctomycetota, and Mycoplasmatota were found to be specialized in the degradation of cellulose, cellobiose, chitin, and DNA, respectively, while strains affiliated with Spirochaetota, Bacteroidota, Cloacimonadota, and Chloroflexota preferred to ferment less complex forms of OM. We also identified members of the phylum Desulfobacterota as terminal oxidizers, potentially involved in the consumption of hydrogen produced during fermentation. These results were supported by the identification of genes in the (meta)genomes of the cultivated microbial taxa which encode proteins of specific metabolic pathways. Additionally, we analyzed the composition of membrane lipids of selected taxa, which could be critical for their survival in the harsh environment of the deep sulfidic waters and could potentially be used as biosignatures for these strains in the sulfidic waters of the Black Sea. Conclusions: This is the first report that demonstrates the cultivation and ecophysiology of such a diverse group of microorganisms from any sulfidic marine habitat. Collectively, this study provides a step forward in our understanding of the microbes thriving in the extreme conditions of the deep sulfidic waters of the Black Sea.

Original languageEnglish
Article number98
Number of pages22
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 27 May 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2024.


  • Black Sea
  • Cloacimonadota
  • Clostridiales
  • Desulfobacterota
  • Ignavibacteriota
  • Marinifilaceae
  • Organic matters
  • Piezotolerant
  • Planctomycetota
  • Sulfidic waters


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