Optimizing the Use of Carbonate Standards to Minimize Uncertainties in Clumped Isotope Data

I.J. Kocken, M. Ziegler, I.A. Müller

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Clumped isotopes provide a theory‐based proxy to reconstruct formation temperatures of carbonates. With the introduction of the empirical transfer function (ETF) and several carbonate standards, interlaboratory comparison has become achievable. Due to the rare occurrence of the multiply substituted isotopologues, the analytical precision of these measurements is very low. In order to improve precision, we investigate the optimal strategy for the conversion into the absolute reference frame using a simulation approach. We find that changing the relative proportions of the standards to include more standards that are closer to the unknown target Δ47 value can greatly improve attainable precision. The inclusion of a hypothetical 4 °C standard results in only modest improvements in final temperature estimates for Earth surface temperature (0 and 40 °C) samples, indicating that the set of ETH‐1–3 standards is suitable for most applications. Full interpolation between two subsequent hypothetical standards, with Δ47 values of CO2 equilibrated at 1000 and 25 °C, results in modest improvements for samples with extreme Δ47 values. With a more optimal distribution of standards it is possible to measure more sample replicates before the uncertainty derived from the ETF becomes limiting. We provide suggestions for the optimal distribution of standards for all target sample Δ47 values and the R code to perform these simulations based on different laboratory settings. These optimizations can also be applied for ETFs using heated and equilibrated gases. We demonstrate numerically how optimizing the distribution and relative abundance of standards can increase measurement precision.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5565-5577
JournalGeochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2019


  • clumped isotope
  • carbonate standard
  • ETF
  • simulation
  • standard optimization
  • empirical transfer function


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