On the relationships among work characteristics and learning- related behavior: Does age matter?

Annet H. De Lange*, Toon W. Taris, Paul Jansen, Michiel A J Kompier, Irene L D Houtman, Paulien M. Bongers

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This 3- wave longitudinal study examined (a) the causal direction of the relationships among psychosocial work characteristics (e.g., job demands, job control, and supervisor support) and indicators of learning- related behavior (e.g., motivation to learn and active problem solving), and (b) whether these relationships differed across age, by comparing the results for young (≤30), middle- aged (31-44) and older (≥45) workers. The results for the total sample revealed significant reciprocal causal relationships among job demands, job control, and learning- related behavior. Furthermore, significant age differences were found in the level of the work characteristics and learning- related behavior, as well as in the cross- lagged relationships among the variables. Compared to earlier-predominantly cross- sectional-results, the present study underlines the importance of taking a dynamic as well as a life- span view on the relationships between work and learning- related behavior.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)925-950
Number of pages26
JournalJournal of Organizational Behavior
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2010


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