On financial losses, prospectuses, liability, jurisdiction (clauses) and applicable law: European Court of Justice 28 January 2015, Case C-375/13 (Kolassa/Barclays Bank)

Research output: Memorandum/expositionCase noteProfessional


The difficult question of where financial losses are directly sustained has been (partly) solved by the European Court of Justice on 28 January 2015. In Kolassa the ECJ ruled that an investor suffers direct financial losses as a result of corporate misinformation (i.e. misleading information published by a company issuing (traded) shares or bonds) in the place where he holds his securities account. The impact of this ruling is not limited to the question of international jurisdiction. The Rome II Regulation prescribes that the law applicable to tort claims is the law of the country in which the direct losses are sustained. The second part deals with the question whether an investor can be bound by an exclusive jurisdiction clause in the prospectus or other investor information document. In the near future the ECJ will rule on this matter in the Profit Investment SIM case.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Project No.C-375/13
Publication statusPublished - May 2015
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameNederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht


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