On audio enhancement via online non-negative matrix factorization

Andrew Sack, Wenzhao Jiang, Michael Perlmutter, Palina Salanevich, Deanna Needell

Research output: Working paperPreprintAcademic


We propose a method for noise reduction, the task of producing a clean audio signal from a recording corrupted by additive noise. Many common approaches to this problem are based upon applying non-negative matrix factorization to spectrogram measurements. These methods use a noiseless recording, which is believed to be similar in structure to the signal of interest, and a pure-noise recording to learn dictionaries for the true signal and the noise. One may then construct an approximation of the true signal by projecting the corrupted recording on to the clean dictionary. In this work, we build upon these methods by proposing the use of \emph{online} non-negative matrix factorization for this problem. This method is more memory efficient than traditional non-negative matrix factorization and also has potential applications to real-time denoising.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 7 Oct 2021


  • eess.AS
  • cs.SD
  • 94A12
  • speech enhancement
  • denoising
  • signal processing
  • non-negative matrix factorization


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