Oligocene environmental changes on the Wilkes Land margin in response to a developing East Antarctic ice sheet.

A.J.P. Houben, P.K. Bijl, H. Brinkhuis, J.A. Bendle, J. Pross, C.E. Stickley, M. Olney, U. Röhl, L. Tauxe, S.M. Bohaty, S. Schouten, A.P.J. Ebbing, F. Sangiorgi, P. Stocchi, B. Vermeersen, C. Escutia, A. Klaus

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractOther research output


IODP Expedition 318 drilled several sites on the Wilkes Land margin of East Antarctica in Jan.–Feb. 2010. The principle objective of the cruise was to obtain a better understanding of the Cenozoic cryospheric evolution of Antarctica, in conjunction with the dating of major regional seismic unconformities WL-U3 thru U8. Unconformity WL-U3 was suggested to be related to the inception of Antarctic glaciation during the Eocene-Oligocene Transition (~34 Ma). Changes in biotic assemblages distinctly denote an ecological transition from warm, Eocene ice-free ‘greenhouse’ conditions to colder, highly productive, Oligocene ‘icehouse’ conditions, more akin to the modern shelf environment of Antarctica. Preliminary dinoflagellate, and TEX86 results will be discussed. In addition, our paleoecological interpretations provide constraints for on-going geophysical studies aimed at modelling changes in relative sea level in response to East Antarctic glaciation and ice-sheet arrival at the Wilkes Land margin
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jun 2011
EventCBEP 2011 -
Duration: 5 Jun 20118 Jun 2011


ConferenceCBEP 2011


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