Observations and modelling of shoreface nourishment behaviour

B. Huisman, D.J.R. Walstra, R. Radermacher, Matthieu De Schipper, B.G. Ruessink

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Shoreface nourishments are commonly applied for coastal maintenance, but their behaviour is not well understood. Bathymetric data of 19 shoreface nourishments located at alongshore uniform sections of the Dutch coast were therefore analyzed and used to validate an efficient method for predicting the erosion of shoreface nourishments. Data shows that considerable cross-shore profile change takes place at a shoreface nourishment, while an impact at the adjacent coast is hard to distinguish. The considered shoreface nourishments provide a long-term (3 to ∼30 years) cross-shore supply of sediment to the beach, but with small impact on the local shoreline shape. An efficient modelling approach is presented using a lookup table filled with computed initial erosion–sedimentation rates for a range of potential environmental conditions at a single post-construction bathymetry. Cross-shore transport contributed the majority of the losses from the initial nourishment region. This transport was driven partly by water-level setup driven currents (e.g., rip currents) and increased velocity asymmetry of the waves due to the geometrical change at the shoreface nourishment. Most erosion of the nourishment takes place during energetic wave conditions ( Hm0≥ 3 m) as milder waves are propagated over the nourishment without breaking. A data-model comparison shows that this approach can be used to accurately assess the erosion rates of shoreface nourishments in the first years after construction
Original languageEnglish
Article number59
Number of pages26
JournalJournal of Marine Science and Engineering
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • morphology
  • ; shoreface nourishment
  • sand bar
  • erosion
  • modelling


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