Nucleation in suspensions of colloidal hard rods

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The interest in positional and orientational ordered assemblies of anisotropic particles is driven by their great technological potential as they exhibit anisotropic optical properties, but arises also from a more fundamental point of view. A wide variety of techniques has been employed for the self-organization of rod-like particles, such as applied electric fields, substrates that preferentially orient the rods , and by fluid flow direction. Most of the rod particles self-assembly techniques are thus based on the alignment of the rods, which facilitates the formation of self-assembled structures with orientational and/or positional order. Another promising route is to tune the interaction potentials between the rods, e.g. by adding depletants [1], such that one can control the phase behaviour and nucleation of the self-assembled structures. However, both simulations and experiments show that crystal nucleation of attractive rods proceeds via the formation of single membranes of hexagonally ordered rods [1,2]. It was reported that in the suspensions of short hard rods, the crystal nucleation is hampered by particles aligned parallel to the bottom and top surface of the crystallite, i.e., self-poisoning of crystal nuclei[3]. We use molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations to study the kinetic pathways for crystal/smectic nucleation in solutions of short hard rods. Our results show that nucleation is strongly influenced by glassy dynamics.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jul 2010
EventInternational Soft Matter Conference 2010 - Granada, Spain
Duration: 5 Jul 20108 Jul 2010


ConferenceInternational Soft Matter Conference 2010
CityGranada, Spain


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