Nonanalytical Concentration Dependence of Sedimentation of Charged Silica Spheres in an Organic Solvent: Experiments and Calculations

Dominique Thies - Weesie*, Albert Philipse, Gerhard Nägele, Barbara Mandl, Rudolf Klein

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Sedimentation of charged silica spheres in ethanol has been studied as a function of ionic strength and volume fraction φ. It is shown for the first time by experiment that at very low ionic strength the normalized sedimentation velocityU/U0follows a remarkable φ dependence of the form 1 -pφ1/3, which leads to a strong decrease inU/U0at very low concentrations. This dependence agrees with theoretical calculations of the sedimentation velocity. The calculated numerical coefficientp, however, is smaller than the experimental value. Both experiments and calculations show that addition of salt gradually changes the φ1/3dependence to the linear φ dependence characteristic for hard spheres. The φ1/3behavior for salt-free dispersions renders it very difficult to measure quantities at "infinite dilution.".

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)43-54
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Colloid and Interface Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 1995


  • charged colloidal spheres
  • sedimentation


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