New Paleomagnetic results from Late Triassic limestone of the Eastern Qiangtang Terrane: Implications for the closure of the Paleo-Jinshajiang Ocean

Liang Yu, Maodu Yan*, Mathew Domeier, Bingshuai Li, Miaomiao Shen, Chong Guan, Qiang Fu, Wanlong Xu, Zunbo Xu, Zhichao Niu, Dawen Zhang, Liye Yang

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To constrain the drift history of the Eastern Qiangtang Terrane and the closure time of the Paleo-Jinshajiang Ocean, we conducted a paleomagnetic study of Late Triassic limestones in the Qamdo region of the Eastern Qiangtang Terrane. The results of the rock magnetic, petrographic, and reversal test indicate the limestones carry primary magnetizations. Our new paleomagnetic data provide a Late Triassic paleopole of 30.9°N, 161.4°E (A95 = 8.4°), which corresponds to a paleolatitude of 35 ± 8.4°N for the study area. Integrating these data with existing paleomagnetic results and geological evidence, we determine that the Eastern Qiangtang Terrane was situated at a relatively constant paleolatitudinal position without significant N-S displacements during ∼230–209 Ma. We conclude that the Paleo-Jinshajiang Ocean in the Qamdo region had already closed before ∼221 Ma, and likely around ∼230 Ma.

Original languageEnglish
Article number112610
JournalPalaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Early online date16 Nov 2024
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2025

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 Elsevier B.V.


  • Eastern Qiangtang Terrane
  • Late Triassic limestone
  • Paleo-Jinshajiang Ocean
  • Paleogeographic reconstruction


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