Narratives of refugees in Europe

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic


Worldwide, millions of families live in warzones or have fled their homes to look for safety elsewhere. Raising children can become a challenge for these families as they have lost access to essential resources required to cope with the stress of war or the new stressors encountered in foreign lands. Hend Eltanamly tells us more about the factors that shape parenting practices in the aftermath of war and refuge. Eltanamly emphasizes the crucial role of parental self-efficacy in the lives of refugee families in resettled in foreign lands. The question then arises: can we strengthen parental self-efficacy among refugee parents, and if so, can this lead to increased resilience for these families?
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - May 2023
EventSPARE-PI Research 2023: Versterking van ouderschap onder vluchtelingen in Europa - , Netherlands
Duration: 22 May 202323 May 2023


ConferenceSPARE-PI Research 2023


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