Multiplicative forms and Spencer operators

Marius Crainic, Maria Salazar Pinzon, Ivan Struchiner

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Motivated by our attempt to recast Cartan’s work on Lie pseudogroups in a more global and modern language, we are brought back to the question of understanding the linearization of multiplicative forms on groupoids and the corresponding integrability problem. From this point of view, the novelty of this paper is that we study forms with coefficients.
However, the main contribution of this paper is conceptual: the discovery of the relationship between multiplicative forms and Cartan’s work is explored here to provide a completely new approach to integrability theorems for multiplicative forms. The multiplicative point of view shows that, modulo Lie’s functor, the Cartan Pfaffian system (itself a multiplicative form with coefficients!) is the same thing as the classical Spencer operator.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages41
JournalMathematische Zeitschrift
Early online date11 Sept 2014
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • Lie groupoids
  • Symplectic groupoids
  • Multiplicative forms
  • Poisson geometry


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