Multiple first names in the Netherlands (1760-2014)

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Although in Europe the custom to choose more than one name for a child first
arose in the early Renaissance in Italy, its popularity reached the Netherlands
only in the eighteenth century. On the basis of a high-coverage sample of the
birth and name information for 26 million individuals from 1760 until 2014,
the preference for multiple first names in the Netherlands has been studied,
both annually and geographically. With the exception of recent years, religion
has played a dominant role in name choices, including the number of names.
Protestants only started to adopt double names in the nineteenth century,
while Catholics increasingly chose three names, many including Maria (but
only during a period of 50 years in the mid-twentieth century for boys). A tax
proposal in 1915 on the number of names not only demonstrates the effect of
financial cost on naming, but also the consistency of parents’ name choices
concerning their children. Whereas during previous centuries the changes were
gradual, preferences varied rapidly over the last 50 years.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3-18
Number of pages16
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • first names
  • Netherlands
  • geography
  • history
  • gender


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