
Combining predictions using various independent models, often called multimodel prediction, has become a very popular technique in climate prediction and is now increasingly being used also in subsurface hydrology. The objectives of this work were (a) to compare different methods of multimodel prediction of the field soil water regime using pedotransfer functions, and (b) to see whether the calibration of a flow model with field data can be replaced by multimodel predictions. The multimodel prediction in this work consisted of running the Richards model with outputs of individual PTFs and then combining the obtained outputs into a single prediction. We compared weighing predictions from individual models by (1) using only the best model, (2) assigning equal weights, (3) using the unconstrained superensemble (i. e. regressing measured values to outputs of individual models), (4) using singular value decomposition in the regression, (5) using Bayesian model averaging, and (6) applying weights derived from the Kullback-Leibler information for each model. We evaluated the weighing methods in terms of their accuracy (i. e. errors in reproducing the training, or hindcast, datasets), and reliability (i.e., errors in reproducing the test datasets). The two best weighing methods (Bayesian model averaging and regression with singular value decomposition) had average accuracy and reliability RMSE values of about 0.01 cm3cm-3 at 35 cm depth, and of about 0.005 cm3cm-3 at larger depths for one month monitoring and 13 months of testing. Calibrating the Richards model resulted in RMSE values of 0.009 cm3cm-3 at 35 cm depth and from 0.004 to 0.006 cm3cm-3 at larger depths. This indicates that monitoring of the soil water regime in combination with multimodel prediction instead of calibrating the flow model can be a viable approach to simulating field water flow in the vadose zone.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2007


  • 1816 Estimation and forecasting
  • 1847 Modeling
  • 1865 Soils (0486)
  • 1866 Soil moisture
  • 1875 Vadose zone


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