Multi-spectral fiber spectroscopy methods as solutions for label-free medical diagnostics (Conference Presentation)

Olga Bibikova, Ervin Nippolainen, Isaac Afara, Julian Haas, Vesa Virtanen, Lasi Rieppo, Sonata Adomaviciute, Harold Brommer, René van Weeren, Anastasija Melenteva, Valeria Belikova, Urszula Zabarylo, Olaf Minet, Juha Töyräs, Valdas Sablinskas, Boris Mizaikoff, Viacheslav Artyushenko

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic


    Optical spectroscopy offers unique opportunities for a label-free investigation of tissues at the molecular level to identify the variety of diseases. To transfer spectroscopic analysis from the scientific laboratories to clinical environment, fiber optic probes are required as optical bridges between the equipment and tissue. We developed single and combined fiber optic probes for the following set of spectroscopy methods: Mid IR-absorption, Raman scattering, Diffuse NIR-reflection, and auto-fluorescence. We benchmarked these methods and selected the optimal one (or their combination), that differentiate between healthy and malignant tissue, based on optical spectra. We tested cancer-normal tissue pairs of human body such as colon, kidney, brain as well as cartilages with and without injuries. Equines cartilage samples with and without osteoarthritis were tested as well. Obtained spectral data were evaluated by multivariate discrimination analysis to enable clear separation of malignant and normal tissues. Data fusion was revealed a synergic effect resulted in increasing of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy (up to 98% for kidney cancer).
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 4 Mar 2019


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