Mounting media pressure: Push and pull forces influencing agendas, resource allocation and decision-making in public bureaucracies

Tine Ustad Figenschou, Rune Karlsen, Kristoffer Kolltveit, T. Schillemans

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Decision-making in public bureaucracies should be guided by rules and formal procedures, securing predictability, impartiality and fair decisions. Studies show that public bureaucracies are highly mediatised – but knowledge about media impact on political outcomes is scarce. In this article, we study if, how and why media affect agendas, resource allocation and case decisions within public bureaucracies. Empirically, we apply a mixed method approach to the case of Norway, utilising a comprehensive survey among civil servants in ministries and agencies, as well as in-depth interviews with civil servants and political leaders. The results clearly support the notion that media can influence agendas, resource allocation and decision-making in ministries and agencies. When media pressure and broad public support build up, action is particularly taken when the issues are deemed important by political actors, suggesting that both push and pull forces are involved when media influence public bureaucracies.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)377-394
JournalEuropean Journal of Communication
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jul 2019


  • civil servants
  • mediatisation
  • political outcomes
  • public bureaucracies
  • push and pull forces


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