Mechanisms for pressurized groundwater outflow channels, implications for Mars

Wouter Marra, Maarten Kleinhans, E. Hauber, Stuart J. McLelland, Brendan J. Murphy, Daniel R. Parsons, Susan J. Conway

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractOther research output


Various valleys on Mars show evidence for extensive fluvial activity in the past. The largest valleys on Mars are
several tens to hundreds of kilometers wide and are thought to have originated from outflow of pressurized groundwater.
However, exact mechanisms of these processes are lacking, which hampers a quantitative interpretation of
some of the most impressive morphological features on Mars.
Using flume experiments, we studied a range of possible pressurized groundwater outflow mechanisms including
artesian seepage, enhanced seepage through fissures and the eruption of a pressurized groundwater reservoir.
These experiments focused on the morphological development of such systems. We also analyze the scalability
of the laboratory analogues to real-word systems and we study the outflow-channel areas in Lunae Planum and
Xanthe Terra north of Valles Marineris.
In the experiments, we found that low water injection pressures led to the formation of surface lakes, intermediate
pressures led to the formation of subsurface fissures, and high pressure led to the buildup of a pressurized subsurface
lake that erupted to the surface. Each of these systems resulted in catastrophic release of water greater than
the groundwater discharge, from accumulation in a lake, enhanced seepage through fissures or both. In all experiments,
an outflow channel formed, but we observed other morphologies as well that are unique to the mechanism
of release. Fissure seepage created small holes and in the case of a subsurface lake eruption, large depressions and
fractures were formed. In all cases, the sudden release of water resulted in the deposition of sedimentary lobes due
to infiltration of water flowing over downstream areas that were still dry. This mechanism is absent in in the case
of slow groundwater outflow.
Our study of the surface of Mars reveals a range of morphological features that were not associated with pressurized
groundwater outflow before. These features include sedimentary lobes, holes, depressions and cracks. We
can now link these morphologies to different mechanisms of outflow. Our results contribute to the hypothesis of
the formation of outflow channels by pressurized groundwater on Mars. The experimental insight enables us to
quantify the amount of water required for the formation of these channels.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventEuropean Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2014 - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 27 Apr 20142 May 2014


ConferenceEuropean Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2014


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