Magnesium based materials for hydrogen based energy storage: Past, present and future

V. A. Yartys*, M. V. Lototskyy, E. Akiba, R. Albert, V. E. Antonov, J. R. Ares, M. Baricco, N. Bourgeois, C. E. Buckley, J. M. Bellosta von Colbe, J. C. Crivello, F. Cuevas, R. V. Denys, M. Dornheim, M. Felderhoff, D. M. Grant, B. C. Hauback, T. D. Humphries, I. Jacob, T. R. JensenP. E. de Jongh, J. M. Joubert, M. A. Kuzovnikov, M. Latroche, M. Paskevicius, L. Pasquini, L. Popilevsky, V. M. Skripnyuk, E. Rabkin, M. V. Sofianos, A. Stuart, G. Walker, Hui Wang, C. J. Webb, Min Zhu

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Magnesium hydride owns the largest share of publications on solid materials for hydrogen storage. The “Magnesium group” of international experts contributing to IEA Task 32 “Hydrogen Based Energy Storage” recently published two review papers presenting the activities of the group focused on magnesium hydride based materials and on Mg based compounds for hydrogen and energy storage. This review article not only overviews the latest activities on both fundamental aspects of Mg-based hydrides and their applications, but also presents a historic overview on the topic and outlines projected future developments. Particular attention is paid to the theoretical and experimental studies of Mg-H system at extreme pressures, kinetics and thermodynamics of the systems based on MgH 2 , nanostructuring, new Mg-based compounds and novel composites, and catalysis in the Mg based H storage systems. Finally, thermal energy storage and upscaled H storage systems accommodating MgH 2 are presented.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7809-7859
Number of pages51
JournalInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Issue number15
Publication statusPublished - 22 Mar 2019


V. Yartys acknowledges a support from Research Council of Norway (project 285146 “IEA Task Energy Storage and Conversion Based on Hydrogen”). V.A. Yartys, R.V. Denys and M.V. Lototskyy acknowledge financial support from EU Horizon 2020/RISE project “Hydrogen fuelled utility vehicles and their support systems utilising metal hydrides – HYDRIDE4MOBILITY” and EU FP7 ERAfrica program , project RE-037 ‘‘Advanced Hydrogen Energy Systems – HENERGY” (2014–2018) co-funded by the Research Council of Norway/RCN and the Department of Science and Technology/DST of South Africa ). M.V. Lototskyy acknowledges financial support from DST within Hydrogen South Africa/HySA programme (project KP3-S02 ), as well as from National Research Foundation/NRF of South Africa , incentive funding grant number 109092 . N. Bourgeois, J.-C. Crivello and J.-M. Joubert acknowledge support from the French GDR CNRS n°3584 TherMatHT and the national program investments for the future ANR-11-LABX-022-01. DFT-QHA calculations were performed using HPC resources from GENCI-CINES (Grant 2017-96175). C.E. Buckley, T.D. Humphries, M.P. Paskevicius and M.V. Sofianos acknowledge financial support from the Australian Research Council for grants LP120101848 , LP150100730 , DP150101708 , LE0989180 and LE0775551 . J.R. Ares acknowledges financial support from MINECO ( Nº.MAT2015-65203R ). The work by V.E. Antonov was supported by the program "The Matter under High Pressure" of the Russian Academy of Sciences . I. Jacob acknowledges support from Israel Science Foundation Grant 745/15 .


  • Applications
  • Catalysis
  • High pressures
  • Kinetics
  • Magnesium-based hydrides
  • Nanostructuring


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