Logic fluidity: How frontline professionals use institutional logics in their day-to-day work

Eline, H. ten Dam, M. Waardenburg

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


This article aims to gain a better understanding on micro processes of how frontline professionals use institutional logics in their day-to-day work. It contributes to the growing literature on the dynamics between institutions and the professional frontline. To further develop this field of study, a conceptual framework is presented that integrates institutional logics, vocabularies of practice, and narratives as central concepts. By adopting a composite narrative approach and identifying vocabularies of practice, the article interprets how frontline professionals make use of different logics to make sense of a new principle introduced in their professional field. Findings are based on a case study of professional patient collaboration in healthcare. The article composes five narratives that act as vehicles through which healthcare professionals use five logics: a medical professional logic, managerial logic, commercial logic, consultation logic, and patient-centeredness logic. It argues that frontline professionals use vocabularies of practice to assemble narratives that help them to navigate between a plurality of logics. It further shows that professionals move fluently from one narrative to another, critiquing the ideas of adherence to a dominant logic and conflict solving. The article finalizes with a discussion that advocates for a process studies perspective and a stronger focus on micro processes in research on professional performance in the context of institutional plurality.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)188-204
JournalJournal of Professions and Organization
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2020


  • Institutional logics
  • healthcare
  • micro processes
  • frontline professionals
  • vocabularies of practice
  • narrative analysis
  • patient collaboration


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