title = "Les {\'e}lections europ{\'e}ennes, 40 ans apr{\`e}s: Bilans, enjeux et perspectives",
abstract = "In 2019, 40 years after the first election of members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage in 1979, the citizens of the Union were called to the polls for the ninth time. Between these two dates, the European Parliament changed dramatically, from a mere consultative assembly to the ordinary co-legislator of a European Union plagued by many crises. This book draws on an international conference held at the University of Bordeaux on May 9 and 10, 2019. The various contributions therein intend to take stock, examine the challenges and envisage the prospects, not only of the 2019 European elections but also of representative European democracy in general.",
author = "{van Eijken}, H. and S{\'e}bastien Platon",
editor = "T.P. Marguery",
year = "2020",
month = nov,
language = "French",
isbn = "978-2-8027-6541-7",
series = "Etudes Parlementaires",
publisher = "Bruylant",