Learning to teach geography for primary education: results of an experimental programme

Marian Blankman, J. Schoonenboom, J.A. van der Schee, Marianne Boogaard, Monique Volman

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    Students training to become primary school teachers appear to have little awareness of the core concepts of geography (teaching). To ensure that future primary school teachers are able to develop their pupils’ geographical awareness, a six weeks programme was developed. The characteristics of this programme – named Consciously Teaching Geography (CTG) – are: principles of good geography teaching, conjunction and a recurrent structure during training, modelling and reflection. In a quasi-experimental research design the question is answered what the effects are of CTG on the development of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) for the subject of geography of first year primary student teachers. The results indicated that the programme has a positive effect on the domain-specific PCK development in the short term.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)425-441
    JournalJournal of Geography in Higher Education
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 17 Feb 2016


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