Investigating First Year Surgery Residents' Expectations of Demand, Control, and Support During Training

Feyisayo Ojute, Paul Adam Gonzales, T. Roxana Ghadimi, Anya Edwards, Marieke van der Schaaf, Carter Lebares*

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OBJECTIVE: To provide a more granular understanding of the expectations of general surgery interns regarding workplace demand, control, and support prior to starting training. SUMMARY/BACKGROUND DATA: General surgery (GS) interns are at highest risk for burnout and attrition. Maslach frames burnout as resulting from a mismatch between workplace expectations and reality. Occupational science demonstrates workplace demand, control, and support (DCS) as strong influencers of job strain. GS interns' realistic expectations of demands are associated with decreased likelihood of attrition, but their expectations regarding this factor are poorly understood. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 incoming surgical residents at UCSF: University of California, San Francisco (57% women, 71% non-White), exploring expectations regarding workplace DCS. Transcripts were uploaded to analytic software and coded in dyads using an iterative approach to consensus. Transcripts were thematically analyzed using inductive and deductive reasoning, applying job-demand-resource theory frameworks, and following a published 6-step approach. RESULTS: Four main themes emerged: past experiences, expected rewards, anticipated challenges, and the desire to belong. Past experiences describes the expectation to successfully cope with future stressors via self-reliance. Rewards such as professional mastery, personal growth, and sense of meaning were expected outcomes seen as balancing anticipated challenges. Anticipated challenges included low control, toxic cultural elements, and discrimination. Desire to belong (i.e., earned recognition as a peer, inclusion in an elite culture) emerged as a powerful motivator, with survival connotations for women and non-Whites. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest incoming interns overestimate the efficacy of self-reliance for coping; count on specific rewards; express realistic expectations regarding challenges; and see inclusion among surgeons as an aspiration that off-sets prolonged effort. Further study is warranted to understand expectation-reality mismatch and potential interventions to target dissonance. MINI-ABSTRACT: In this institutional study of general surgery interns, we provide a more granular understanding of the expectations of general surgery interns regarding workplace demand, control, and support prior to starting training, and how we might target "expectations-reality" mismatch and the "desire to belong" as a means of mitigating burnout and minimizing attrition from training.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)474-485
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Surgical Education
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • belonging
  • burnout
  • expectations
  • interns
  • surgery


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