Interdisciplinary Approaches to Emotions in Politics and International Relations

Alex Prior, Y. van Hoef

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


The ‘emotional turn’ within the social sciences and humanities attracts increasing scholarly attention. Political Science, traditionally emphasising the ‘rational’ public sphere rather than the ‘emotional’ private sphere, has increasingly questioned this dichotomisation, identifying broader political concepts and practices. The international political process—frequently characterised by widespread distrust, populist campaigns and extreme rhetoric—necessitates addressing and examining its underlying emotions. Informal, affective manifestations of politics are enormously influential, profoundly shaping inter- and intra-national democracy; they accordingly require interdisciplinary study. This thematic issue of Politics and Governance includes disciplines as diverse as education, history, international relations, political theory, psychology, and sociology. In doing so, we illustrate that emotions are cross-disciplinary concerns, relevant beyond the study of politics.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)48-52
JournalPolitics and Governance
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2018

Bibliographical note

affect; emotions; friendship; individualisation; interdisciplinary; international relations; narratives; political history; political science


  • affect
  • emotions
  • friendship
  • individualisation
  • interdisciplinary
  • international relations
  • narratives
  • political history
  • political science


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