Integration of SEWGS for carbon capture in Natural Gas Combined Cycle. Part B: Reference case comparison

Giampaolo Manzolini*, Ennio Macchi, Marco Binotti, Matteo Gazzani

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This two part-paper investigates the performance of different integration possibilities in a Natural Gas Combined Cycle of an innovative reactor for CO 2 capture named SEWGS (Sorption Enhanced Water Gas Shift). This activity is carried out under the FP7 project CAESAR financed by the EU community. In part A, several plant layouts starting from completely decoupled hydrogen island and power section up to very tight integration are investigated in order to show the different advantages and performance differences. A sensitivity analysis on main parameters is also carried out. Part B presents three reference cases selected for electricity production: without carbon capture, with post-combustion carbon capture by MEA and with pre-combustion carbon capture by MDEA. These cases are compared with three different SEWGS plants presented in part A. A tight integration between power and hydrogen island allows SEWGS to achieve a lower efficiency penalty than MEA and MDEA (7.5% for SEWGS, 8.4% for MEA and 8.0% for MDEA) with a higher CO 2 avoided (95.2% for SEWGS, 90.2% for MEA and 91.0% for MDEA). Decoupling the hydrogen and power islands brings about higher efficiency penalty (12.5%) with 95.3% of CO 2 avoided. Finally, an exergy comparison among all the cases is carried out in order to explain the performance differences, outlining the main advantages of SEWGS in high temperature CO 2 separation with limited energy consumption.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)214-225
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2011
Externally publishedYes


  • Carbon-free electricity
  • MDEA
  • MEA
  • Natural Gas Combined Cycles
  • Pre-combustion capture


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