Individual differences in phonetic imitation and their role in sound change

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This paper explores the possibility that the spread of sound change within a community correlates with individual differences in imitation capacities. The devoicing of labiodental fricatives in Dutch serves as a case study of an ongoing sound change showing regional and individual variation. The imitation capacities of Dutch speakers born and raised in five regions of the Dutch language area were investigated in a forced imitation task (Study 2) and a spontaneous imitation task (Study 3), and compared to baseline productions (Study 1) of the variable undergoing sound change. Results showed that the leaders of sound change in each region were significantly less accurate in imitating model talkers-when they were instructed to-than conservative speakers, but they were more inclined to spontaneously imitate talkers. These insights are discussed in view of the literature on different types and measures of imitation capacities, on the actors of sound change and the two apparently paradoxical features of the language system: Its stability and its potential for sound change.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)425-457
Number of pages33
Issue number5
Early online date2022
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2022


  • Individual differences
  • Laboratory phonology
  • Leaders
  • Phonetic imitation
  • Sound change


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