Indicators Independence, Accountability and Quality of the Judiciary: Reenforcing judicial protection

Frans van Dijk*, Milda Treige, Aleksandra Switalska

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


As essential part of the improvement cycle of the judiciary that the ENCJ has initiated, the indicators on independence and accountability and those on quality of justice have been measured anew. The indicators on independence and accountability concern, on the one hand, formal arrangements and safeguards and, on the other hand, perceptions of independence in society. The data has been gathered by means of a questionnaire among Councils for the Judiciary and other governing bodies (formal arrangements) and diverse surveys, including the ENCJ survey among judges (perceptions). The answers to the questionnaires have been externally validated. Conceptually, the indicator system is evolving, but the main aspects of independence are kept constant. The indicators on quality of justice focus on the practical arrangements that affect key components of quality, and are also measured by means of a questionnaire among Councils for the Judiciary and other governing bodies. The set of indicators has reached a sufficient level of maturity that, like the set on independence and accountability, it is informative and gives insight into the possibilities for improvement for the participating judiciaries. The indicators for each judiciary in the formats presented here for all judiciaries together are the core of this report.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBrussels
PublisherEuropean Network of Councils for the Judiciary
Number of pages97
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • independence of judiciary
  • accountability of judiciary
  • quality of judiciary
  • indicators of judiciary


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