Incidence and genetic aspects of patellar luxation in Pomeranian dogs in Thailand

K. Soontornvipart, C. Wangdee, M. Kalpravidh, A. Brahmasa, M. Sarikaputi, J. Temwichitir, I.C.M. Lavrijsen, L.F.H. Theyse, P.A.J. Leegwater, H.A.W. Hazewinkel

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    a b s t r a c t There is a high incidence of patellar luxation (PL) in Pomeranian dogs from Thailand. DNA samples were collected from 59 dogs originating from 15 families. PL was present in 75% of the dogs with a male:female ratio of 1:1.95. Polymorphic microsatellites situated close to the COL6A1, COL6A3, COL9A1, COL9A2, and COL9A3 genes were analyzed for linkage to the phenotype. Sibling-pair analysis revealed that none of the collagen markers analyzed had a high non-parametric linkage score with the highest score, 1.56, for COL9A2 (P = 0.07). The low LOD scores for these collagen genes indicated a non-involvement in the pathogenesis of PL in Pomeranians. An association study with a low density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) set indicated the possible involvement of a region on chromosome 7. The association of this region remained indicative when larger groups of 43 cases and 40 controls were compared (Chi square test P = 0.01). 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)122-125
    Number of pages4
    JournalVeterinary Journal
    Issue number2013
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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