Il 'se di transito' di Maria Zambrano a Roma: Negoziazioni identitarie nelle sue lettere romane (1960-1964)

Translated title of the contribution: A woman refugee's self-construal in transit:: Negotiations of the self in Zambrano's Roman letters (1960-64)

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


tHE sELF trANsIt OF MArIA ZAMbrANO IN rOME. IDENtItY NEGOtIAtIONs IN HEr rOMAN LEttErs (1960-64) – Italy has a transit function in the exilic trajectory of the Spanish philosopher and essayist María
Zambrano (1904-1991). In order to get an insight in this transit period, we
will concentrate on the letters written by Zambrano, from 1960-1964, to
her friend Reyna Rivas. In this epistolary, Zambrano represents both the difficulties she lives during the transit period, and the actions she undertakes
to cope with these challenges. The analysis shows that one of the most important strategies used by Zambrano is to disconnect the present actions
from her ‘real self’. Zambrano negotiates, thus, two different selves by constructing a carefully drawn boundary between her ‘transit self’, situated in
Rome, and her ‘real self’, situated in the country of origin, the Latin American exile, and in her imagined country of destination.
Translated title of the contributionA woman refugee's self-construal in transit:: Negotiations of the self in Zambrano's Roman letters (1960-64)
Original languageItalian
Pages (from-to)183-202
JournalGiornale di Storia Contemporanea
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2020
EventRapporti Culturali tra Italia e America Latina - Universities of Callabria/Nantes/ Porto Alegre/Groningen
Duration: 13 Jun 202014 Jun 2020


  • Transit
  • Exile
  • Refugee Stories
  • Autobiographical Writing
  • Egodocuments
  • Leters
  • Maria Zambrano
  • Agency
  • Life-writing
  • Women Refugees
  • Roma


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