Identifying the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Potential of Autogenerative High Pressure Digestion

M.P. van Veen, H.M. Junginger, K. Zagt

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractAcademic


This research aims to quantify the GHG emissions from wastewater treatment plants for different options to capture and digest the sludge. First, the GHG emissions of the conventional wastewater treatment plant in Amsterdam West are calculated. Hereafter the GHG reduction potential of placing an A-trap in combination with AD, AHPD or AH2PD is calculated.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Evente-EUBCE 2020 28th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition: Bioeconomy's role in the post-pandemic economic recovery - Virtual
Duration: 6 Jul 20209 Jul 2020


Conferencee-EUBCE 2020 28th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition


  • Bioeconomy sustainability
  • Impacts and policies


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