How to Orientate Oneself into the World: An Outline of Vilèm Flusser’s Phenomenology of Media

B.K. Ieven

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


The article attempts to give a general outline of Vilém Flusser's media theory. Illustrating and explaining the distinction between what Flusser calls "traditional images" and "technical images," we observe how to Flusser different media constitute different universes. The universe of the text, which constituted a different way of thinking, succeeded the universe of the traditional image. The influence of media on man's thinking are a main topic throughout the article. Concluding we will try to provide an outline of Flusser's view of new media (camera, computer) and the universe they create.
Original languageEnglish
JournalImage [&] Narrative
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2003


  • Flusser
  • new media
  • coding
  • traditional image
  • text
  • photography
  • computer
  • theory of gestures


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