How to distinguish elastically scattered light from Stokes shifted light for solid-state lighting?

M. L. Meretska, A. Lagendijk, H. Thyrrestrup, A. P. Mosk, W. L. IJzerman, W.L. Vos

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We have studied the transport of light through phosphor diff user plates that are used in commercial solid-state lighting modules (Fortimo). These polymer plates contain YAG:Ce+3 phosphor particles that both elastically scatter and Stokes shift light in the visible wavelength range (400-700 nm). We excite the phosphor with a narrowband light source, and measure spectra of the outgoing light. The Stokes shifted light is spectrally separated from the elastically scattered light in the measured spectra and using this technique we isolate the elastic transmission of the plates. This result allows us to extract the transport mean free path ltr over the full wavelength range by employing di ffusion theory. Simultaneously, we determine the absorption mean free path labs in the wavelength range 400 to 530 nm where YAG:Ce+3 absorbs. The diff use absorption 1/labs spectrum is qualitatively similar to the absorption coefficient of YAG:Ce+3 in powder, with the diff use spectrum being wider than the absorption coefficient. We propose a design rule for the solid-state lighting di ffuser plates.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Article number093102
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2016


  • diffusion theory
  • diffusion with absorption
  • multiple light scattering
  • wave propagation in random media

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