How the Choice of Distance Measure Influences the Detection of Prior-Data Conflict

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Thepresentpapercontraststworelatedcriteriafortheevaluationofprior-dataconflict: the Data Agreement Criterion (DAC; Bousquet, 2008) and the criterion of Nott et al. (2016). One aspect that these criteria have in common is that they depend on a distance measure, of which dozens are available, but so far, only the Kullback-Leibler has been used. We describe and compare both criteria to determine whether a different choice of distance measure might impact the results. By means of a simulation study, we investigate how the choice of a specific distance measure influences the detection of prior-data conflict. The DAC seems more susceptible to the choice of distance measure, while the criterion of Nott et al. seems to lead to reasonably comparable conclusions of prior-data conflict, regardless of the distance measure choice. We conclude with some practical suggestions for the user of the DAC and the criterion of Nott et al.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages17
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 29 Apr 2019


  • prior-data conflict
  • distance measure
  • Kullback-Leibler
  • ; data agreement criterion


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