Hormonal modulation of plant immunity: shaping the plant's social network

C.M.J. Pieterse, D. van der Does, I.A. Vos, L. Caarls, M.C. van Verk, R.J. Hickman, C Zamioudis, S.C.M. van Wees

Research output: Contribution to conferenceOtherOther research output

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 20 Nov 2013
Event32nd new Phytologist Symposium on Plant interactions with other organisms: molecules, ecology and evolution - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Duration: 20 Nov 201322 Nov 2013


Conference32nd new Phytologist Symposium on Plant interactions with other organisms: molecules, ecology and evolution
CityBuenos Aires, Argentina

Bibliographical note

32nd new Phytologist Symposium on Plant interactions with other organisms: molecules, ecology and evolution

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